We provide strategic information that enables our customers to understand decision factors and take corrective actions, preventive and proactive, to ensure efficient and profitable business.
Our business structure is shaped with the objective to provide market research services at a low cost, competitive, efficient with high quality, according to the information and project needs of our clients in the following areas:
GCR provides qualitative insight at a rational and emotional level through Focus Groups (FGs) , Mini Focus Groups, Online Bulletin Boards (OBB), Ethnographies and In-depth Interviews (IDIs) through the following types of studies:
- Motivational Comprehension of customer’s behavior, purchase motivations at rational and emotional levels, conscious or unconscious.
- Attitudinal Comprehension of customer at a cognitive and affective levels of its opinions, believes, fears, inhibitors or purchase decisions.
- Purchase and Consumption Habits of products or services.
- Identification of New Concepts of products or services.
- Profound Knowledge of a product or service.
- Positioning and Image of brands.
- Concept / AD Evaluation
At GCR, we conduct surveys in primary and secondary sources of information, supporting our customers in their marketing decisions process through the deployment of quantitative studies such as:
- Net Promoter Score
- Satisfaction
- Branding
- Advertising Concept Test
- Brand & Ad Awareness
- Loyalty
- Quality of Service
- Concept Test
- Product or Package Test
- Promotional Test
- Uses & Habits
- Segmentation & Clustering
- Shopper Insights
- Image & Positioning
- Price Sensitivity
- Evaluation of Commercial Strategies
- Tracking
- Product & Customer Intelligence
- Demand Modeling
- Price and Product Modeling
- Ad-Hocs
GCR has the technical and human capacity to conduct different market research projects with information obtained from different collection techniques, for qualitative or quantitative purposes:
- Focus Groups
- In-depth Interviews
- Ethnographies
- Online Recruitment
- Personal Interviews (PAPI, CAWI, PAWI, Tablets or PCs)
- Telephone Interviews (PAPI, CAWI)
- Online Bulletin Boards
- Web Surveys (Panel, Database or Reference Recruited)
- Mystery Shopper
- Heath Care Professionals Interviews
- Benchmarks
- Desk Research
- Central Location Test
If only fieldwork or data entry is required, GCR has the capacity to provide fieldwork services, saving management and recruitment costs.
We have direct and indirect hired staff to deploy fieldwork in main and mid-size cities in Colombia, with capacity to expand team of interviewers, CATI operators, data entry, moderators or supervisors at a national level.
We analyze information directly obtain by our field teams or raw information provided by our customers under different techniques:
• Charts, cross-tabs tables
• Variable and bi-variables Analysis
• Multivariate Analysis (Multiple Regression, Factor, Correspondence, Conjoint, Cluster, Discriminant)
In GCR we own hardware and software tools to support the following procedures:
• Design and programming of data collection tools
• Data entry optimization methods
• Web based support and collection tools
• Information analysis